Summer League

Carl Mostoller, Steve Seever, Jerry Eisler
Joe McKenzie, Kevin Fochtman
The Outlaws - Gold Medal

Roy Fritz Sr., Scott Fritz, Roy Fritz Jr., Bill Smith, Bill Lincoln (not pictured)
Somerset County Friends of NRA - Silver Medal

Doug Henry, Brandon Henry, Rick Stutzman
Rhonda Henry, Janice Harding
White Horse Mountain Longbeards - Bronze Medal

Bill Smith - Top Gun

The 2005 Summer League starts June 29th

  • 50 targets for $15.00 per shooter, each week
  • League runs for 10 weeks
  • Four person squads with options for three or five people
  • Shoot Wednesdays with make up on Saturday or Sunday
  • Trophy awarded to best team at league picnic on September 4th.
        Burgers, Hot Dogs, and free 50 target round of clays that day

    To sign up, call 814-279-3020, or email
    Include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your team members, and a team name.